NHL Highlights | Panthers vs. Maple Leafs – April 1, 2024

NHL Highlights | Panthers vs. Maple Leafs – April 1, 2024

In the league, there is the goal scoring leader who hits 60 on Saturday, Austin Matthews, with a personal best 45 even strength goals.

NHL Highlights Panthers vs Maple Leafs

Starting lineups brought to you by Molson Molsen. Everyone in, they haven’t had to lean on the backup, but Anthony Stard has been good, winning eight of his last 10. Lamberg’s away, trying to get back his Tiff to Longberg stopped by Sov in the Panther lineup, but out of the box with a chance.

It checked along the board. Rodriguez will get it back and now Sam in front, steered not wide as he came across the front by Kulakov, and now they work it loose. Kulakov holds the zone, across it goes, intercepted. It’s a prinkl. Nick Robertson beauty.

Here’s the most important play to keep you in a playoff lineup: winning the battle along the boards. Loses it here as the puck stays in, but instead he gets help, pressures the defenseman, and then this is what he does. Let’s watch how quick the move is, just an area pass there by N gets Boski.

Watch how Boski bites to the left. And not just three goals in March, and now one to kick off April. TJ Brody venturing in deep and finds Matthews off the doorstep, and he now has a new career high 61 with the puck. Who hasn’t scored in 103 games, and all the focus of the Panthers goes on TJ Brody as he comes around.

Watch how Matthews just gets lost. Look at all the bodies looking at Brody, nobody kicks out to protect the guy who’s the leading goal scorer in the league. Reinhardt standing, watching Matthews on the back door, and you can see the point. Up next as the Panthers move back in, it’ll be played back to the dangerous Monor that hit Bennett, and the L.O.H. off the line.

But this one, he slides across right through the crease, gets a piece of it with his shoulder. Oh yeah, there’s no question that didn’t go over. This is one that he knew he had to come across to potentially save that shot, and instead here, there’s some huge games and their schedule is a little bit easier than the ones that the Bruins are having to deal with. And Miss Kachu at the back post there with that deflection opportunity. And Ny is back on the ice.

The Leafs three for three on the kill to start the night against the Panthers. But Montour scores from distance as Florida gets on the board after the penalty kill was complete. Onour to his credit. Here’s the play up the boards as Reinhardt is battling with Brody, comes right to the top, and look at Sams.

He just responded. He got screened by one of his own players. But oh yeah, he never found that puck. Along, Bureno on the puck, he gets his pocket picked there. Another quick stick by Matthews, and Doo’s got it. He’ll flick it down into the Panther zone. Here’s Doo to Matthews in front, scores! Tyler, 4-2, and the Leafs get it back in a hurry. Knows how to react. Watch the dump in. Matthews is waiting, trying to get the stick in.

But look at Doo positioned in the only place that Terasenko’s going to put it. And then the quick stick of Matthews with Puszi. Instead of going back as soon as he sees the turnover, look at the quick little look by two. His right should have been looking left. As against Homberg. Londell over the line, there’s a shot, rebound. Oh, big stop! SS it off once again, throwing one down. You know, rebounds, there are some shots you just can’t stop without leaving a rebound.

Off the bench, his camp crashing in there, forcing FES big stop there by Leoski off D. Tim is ahead and going to work. David Camp swinging wide, shot, and Reid’s H. That wide to the cage, Reid’s get to the front. See rebound, scores! Elite forth line comes up, was a fourth goal for Toronto, the best chance, and then they follow it back up.

They won the battle twice in behind the net. Reeves is hard on Londell, and then Camp, great poise and patience in front. It’s a clearing attempt by Kulakov, Camp gets the first shot, B. Brosi able to shut the door, but watch this, forehand, backhand, up and off the glove of Boski. You know that in the back of your mind, knowing what it takes to get through the playoff run. You know they’re hoping that that’s going to be a difference this year.

Homberg in deep, in front, scores! Matthew K.N. past the goal. It’s a close play at the blue line, but I think Florida sent it back into their own zone. A goal last game on Saturday, you’re right. It was brought in there by the Florida Panthers, but look at just the stretch of Homberg, and then the drive to the front of the net. And one thing you have to do, if you’ve got a nose for the net, Matthew N. gets in there before Kulakov can get back, and Berg with the great play, and he’s got his head up the whole way.

No chance for Boski. Kind of an eight and a half on the nine Gordy Howe hat trick scale, close, wasn’t it? We’ve got a goaltending change for Florida for the second time this year. Boski has been chased up against Robertson.

Holberg and Knives in behind the net, Londell taking a look, R.O.V. parked in front. There’s Lena back up top, Terasenko, and he filtered that shot through but wide of the net. Not at Cent, it’ll come back to him again at the line. That shot, tip, scores! And Terasenko has his second goal of the game. What you expect from the Florida Panthers, they’ve been the ones that have been able to win those offensive zone battles, good cycle out front, and that’s just a well-played shot.

There’s no intention here for Mika to try to score on this. He knows he’s got Terasenko in that high slot, and look at that, perfectly placed and a great tip there. As that comes back to the line for Reinhardt, not in his usual position, and now goes to the slot on this power play. That Bennett takes a look, sends it across, here, off the post towards the middle of the ice. And there’s that open scene, but you can see the hard pass and up and around with Reinhardt and Barov able to work it loose. And here goes Terasenko back in, centers, Terasenko gets it back off the carom behind the net. In front, Reinhardt scores, and it’s 5-3 with 8:02 to go.

Oh wow, what a goal-scorer’s goal that was. This one looked like the pass handcuffed Reinhardt, and he takes a one-timer. But it’s Terasenko as the puck comes behind, he just stays on the right side of the net, but look at the pass, use your left hand and bang, right down on one knee almost.

Reinhardt as Terasenko uses the net as a screen and then a hard pass that Reinhardt gets his 52nd of the year. Look at how much it jammed him right between his feet, the Reinhardt, T.I. Zack Hyman with 52 goals, second in the league.

It’s the 250th career goal, and maybe a break here for Kachuk across in front, off the post to make it a one-goal game after that but beaten to the puck by the G. Mikola. And now Matthews at the seal, Doo’s in back. Doby stopped by STS, and again, and Florida wins the draw off the stick, Karov back to Montour, firing it, rebound loose off the blue paint, S off down, ricochet is around. Terasenko, Manning the BL point, 6 on 5, more diving to redirect that, get it back from Mark Barov in behind the net.

Kachuk now up top, Terasenko under two to go in the third, and a chance here, scored! Sam Bennett, it’s a one-goal game. That’s the way you’ve got to play. This is Kachuk, keeps it alive, back to the point. Now Bennett just goes to the soft area, Brody kind of gets caught in between, doesn’t get in the shooting lane there, and Terasenko with the dish.

Now it looks like the shot’s coming, but that goes underneath the glove of Samsonov. And now, Clov, P. Terasenko shot that in leg. McMahon can’t clear it, he got ped over in front. What a battle by Matthews, terrific play, Ter plays goal.

Now Matthews and he’s got it. Austin Matthews, 62, how about that? McMahon gets knocked down, Matthews keeps it alive, gets closed off here, and you can see, Terceo has no idea, but the persistence of Matthews. A little more interesting in the third than they needed, but they have posted the win. The one for Ilas Samsonov in his NHL career, and it finishes 6 to 4.”

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